Tuesday 12 April 2016

The colors of Life



 Henna, a rich and beautiful tradition in various cultures all over the world, is a safe, pain free and temporary form of body art. It seems to have an innate magic all its own.

Typically used in Eastern weddings on the hands and feet to sooth, protect, adorn and bless. It is a stunning way to celebrate life.

It's the magic of a green leaf from the Henna Plant that produces a red dye which stains the skin. It wears off with time (7-10 days), which means you can get something new and unique each time. It is the perfect alternative to permanent tattoos. 

The leaves are crushed into fine powder, the powder sifted, and then mixed with a variety of ingredients (Essential oils, Lemon/Tea/Coffee & Sugar) to create a smooth paste. This paste is then put into an applicator a henna cone (thin plastic film) or jacquard bottle, which allows the artist to create fine, precise lines very much as one would pipe a design onto a cake with icing.

After the paste is applied onto the skin, it dries in about 20-30 mins. When the paste comes off, a beautiful Orange print is left behind which gradually darkens to the beautiful red-brown color.

You can easily make the henna paste at home. There are two ways to make henna paste.  

One is by using the natural henna leaves and the other one is by using the henna powder bought from stores.

Steps of making henna paste at home.

Collect a bunch of henna leaves from the henna plant. Wash them and let them dry in sunlight. When the leaves dry and become crisp, grind these leaves into very fine powder. Now strain this powder twice or thrice making sure no big piece remains in the powder.

If you are buying henna powder from the market make sure it is greenish-brown in color.

Take a plastic, glass or ceramic container and put the desired amount of henna powder in it.

 Mix one part of lemon juice with three parts of water. Now add 1 teaspoon of sugar and some drops of essential oil and stir well till the whole sugar dissolves in water. You can also mix tea or tamarind paste in it.

Take 2 tablespoons of the water and mix it into the henna powder. Stir it using plastic spoon till the water and henna powder mixed evenly forming a consistent and smooth paste. 


Cover the container with a plastic wrap and keep it overnight or for 6-7 hours.

 After 6-7 hours, scoop out the paste from the container and fill it in the plastic cone or any other applicator you are using. Your own henna paste is ready to be used. Start designing.

Some Useful Tips

Keep henna paste in freezer when not in use.

Always buy good quality ready-made henna powder.

Keep some extra henna powder so that if your paste becomes too runny then you can add extra powder to it.  

A clothes pin is placed inside the hole at the tip to avoid leaking when not in use. It will also prevent your henna from drying out.

After applying your favorite design or motive let the henna paste dry, when completely dry apply some sugar syrup (sugar powder and water) on dried henna.

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